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Top 10 IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks to get 8 Band score

Are you ready to ace your IELTS writing test and get a band score of 8+?

If you are preparing to take the IELTS exam, you know that achieving a high score is important to get into the college or university of your dreams. Fortunately, there are plenty of tips and tricks available to help you maximize your IELTS writing score


In this blog, we’ll be providing you with the top 10 IELTS writing tips and tricks to help you get the band score you’re aiming for.

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Here are the Top 10 IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks

1. Understand the Question

The first and most important step in achieving an 8+ band score is to understand the question. You need to make sure that you understand what the question is asking, and that all the instructions are given. You should read the question carefully, and if necessary, ask your teacher for help if you don’t understand anything. Understanding the question is a key IELTS Writing tip to get an 8+ band score. 

By taking the time to deeply comprehend the question, you will be able to craft an answer that fully answers the prompt, thereby demonstrating your writing and language proficiency. Moreover, by understanding the purpose of the question, you can accurately determine what information you need to include in your response to gain full marks. Consequently, by taking the time to fully comprehend the question, you can ensure that you will earn a top score on the IELTS Writing section.

2. Brainstorm ideas:

After understanding the question, brainstorm your ideas. Come up with ideas that can help you form an argument and make sure to include relevant examples in your writing. Brainstorming is one of the most effective ways to come up with ideas and generate new ones. It’s a useful tool for any type of writing, but it can be especially beneficial when it comes to preparing for the IELTS Writing Test.

Generating ideas for IELTS Writing can be quite tricky, as it requires a combination of interpreting the task’s prompt, connecting ideas, and organizing them into a coherent structure. Brainstorming can help you get the ball rolling and come up with ideas that you may not have initially thought of.

3. Plan your essay before you start writing

Make sure you use the proper planned essay structure for the type of essay you are writing. A good essay should have a well-planned  introduction, main body, and conclusion. Make sure to write a brief introduction that introduces the main topic and includes a thesis statement. Writing an effective essay requires planning, well-structure and organization. Plan your essay with an outline before writing it. This will help you stay on track and make sure you don’t miss any essential points.

For those who are preparing for the IELTS Writing Exam, one of the most important things to remember is to plan your essay before you start writing. This is especially true if you’re short on time. Planning your essay ensures that you will have a well-structured, organized essay that will impress the examiners and boost your score.

4. Diverse a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary

Using a variety of sentence structures and Vocabulary will help you keep your writing interesting and engaging. Adding a mixture of simple, compound, and complex sentences will create an interesting flow to your answer. Make sure to use a mix of short and long sentences, as well as some complex sentence structures. It will help you express yourself more clearly and show off your language skills. Try to use synonyms and different tenses as well.

Additionally, don’t forget to use a wide range of vocabulary. By using a variety of words, you can demonstrate your knowledge of English and demonstrate your ability to express yourself clearly and effectively. This helps to create a more interesting, engaging, and dynamic essay. Introduce new words and phrases, while also varying sentence lengths and structures.

5. Utilize Examples

Examples are an effective way to support your arguments in an essay. Make sure to use relevant examples that are related to the topic and provide evidence for your argument. Examples can be a great way to explain your point of view and prove your point. When you’re writing your essay, make sure to use real-life examples to support your argument. This will help to make your essay more concrete and will score you more marks.

Using examples in your IELTS Writing tasks can help to illustrate points, support your argument and make your essay more engaging. Examples don’t need to be complicated – personal anecdotes and experiences can be just as effective as factual examples. However, be sure to explain the relevance of your example to the topic at hand.

6. Use Linking Words

Linking words help to connect ideas and provide a flow to your essay. Make sure to use a variety of linking words in your essay and use them appropriately. Linking words is a great way to show how two different points of your essay are related. They help the reader to understand the flow of your essay and make it easier to read. Some of the most common linking words to use in IELTS essays are ‘however’, ‘therefore’, ‘on the other hand’, and ‘in addition’.

Linking words, also referred to as transition words, are used to connect ideas and arguments within and between sentences. They are a crucial part of the IELTS writing test and can help you to demonstrate your ability to express yourself logically and clearly. To help you improve your score, here are some of the most commonly-used linking words, their meaning, and how to use them effectively.

7. Check Your Grammar

Grammar is an important aspect of writing and your grammar should be accurate and precise. Make sure to use correct grammar and punctuation in your essay. Checking your grammar is essential for success in IELTS Writing, both in terms of gaining a good score and expressing your ideas clearly. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are using correct grammar and punctuation when writing your IELTS essay or letter. 

Fortunately, there are a variety of resources available that can help you to check your grammar and ensure that you are expressing yourself correctly. Additionally, it is useful to keep in mind some tips for IELTS writing to help you make the most of your writing task. Overall, with proper grammar and good writing tips, you will be able to achieve a high score on your IELTS writing task.

8. Read Your Essay

Read your essay before submitting it. This will help you to identify and correct any mistakes that you may have made while writing. Reading your essay is an essential part of the IELTS writing process. Doing so allows you to identify any mistakes and areas of improvement, as well as gain a better understanding of the overall content.

Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to practice your English language skills and develop a better sense of sentence structure and grammar. Therefore, read your essay closely and critically, and make sure to take the time to make any necessary corrections or improvements. Additionally, make sure to double-check your work to ensure that it is free of any errors. All in all, reading your essay is an essential step for getting the best possible IELTS writing score.

9. Proofread

Proofread your essay carefully and make sure to check for any spelling or grammatical errors. One of the most important steps in writing any essay or article is to proofread. It is essential to make sure that your writing is grammatically correct and free from errors. 

Whether you are writing for academic purposes, for a blog, or any other purpose, proofreading is an important part of the writing process. If you are writing for an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam, then it is especially important to make sure that your writing is free from errors. The IELTS exam requires that a candidate’s written work is free from errors for them to achieve a good score.

10. Practice

The best way to improve your IELTS Writing score is to practice. Make sure to practice writing essays and give yourself enough time to revise and edit your essays. When you practice writing essays for the IELTS Writing Test, make sure to read the instructions for the task carefully. Pay attention to the number of words required, the structure of the essay, and the type of language you should use. 

This will help you ensure that you write an essay that is of the highest quality and that meets all the requirements of the task. The IELTS gives you two hours to complete two writing tasks. Make sure to practice writing under timed conditions to get a feel for how to manage your time during the exam.

11. Find a study buddy.

Find a friend or family member that can help you stay motivated and focused on your studies. Practicing with a study buddy for IELTS preparation can be an incredibly beneficial tool for achieving your desired score. Not only can a study buddy provide accountability, but they can also help you stay motivated and focused. 

Furthermore, having someone to discuss and review material with can help to deepen your understanding and prepare you for the test. Therefore, if you are serious about achieving the highest score possible, study together is an essential part of IELTS preparation.


In conclusion, the top 10 IELTS Writing Tips and Tricks to get an 8+ Band score provide a great way to improve your IELTS Writing score. If you want to ace in IELTS Writing Exam then join ThinkEnglish for the IELTS Coaching and achieve your desire band score. Good luck!

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